Behavioral HealthRCM Experts
Revenue cycle management
for psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers.
We understand that psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers operate under unique and challenging circumstances when compared to other specialties. It’s often a much more complicated affair due to the nature of the patients being served.
We understand that psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers operate under unique and challenging circumstances when compared to other specialties. It’s often a much more complicated affair due to the nature of the patients being served.
Solo Practitioners
Groups Practices
Community Services
Our Integrated RCM for Behavioral Health Practices makes sense. Here’s why:
Creating and maintaining relationships with payers is critical to the success of any behavioral health practice. Our dedicated payer enrollment team navigates and manages your individual or group enrollment to avoid costly delays. We have the experience and knowledge to proactively help your practice manage contracts, protect revenue streams, and stop delays in cash flow. Learn More
Healthcare data, particularly clinical, payer enrollment, and billing data, is complex and difficult to interpret. Bring your data to life with our tight-loop, industry-leading business intelligence tools that display, interpret, and share your data to make informed business decisions. Learn More
As a true partner delivering performance-related results, our service fee includes extensive tools to develop and optimize revenue cycle workflows for financial performance improvements. Practice and provider focused data tracking models blended with your own custom KPIs provide critical insight into your practice’s performance, enabling you to make informed decisions. Learn More
Our Integrated RCM for Behavioral Health Practices makes sense. Here’s why:
Creating and maintaining relationships with payers is critical to the success of any behavioral health practice. Our dedicated payer enrollment team navigates and manages your individual or group enrollment to avoid costly delays. We have the experience and knowledge to proactively help your practice manage contracts, protect revenue streams, and stop delays in cash flow. Learn More
Healthcare data, particularly clinical, payer enrollment, and billing data, is complex and difficult to interpret. Bring your data to life with our tight-loop, industry-leading business intelligence tools that display, interpret, and share your data to make informed business decisions. Learn More
As a true partner delivering performance-related results, our service fee includes extensive tools to develop and optimize revenue cycle workflows for financial performance improvements. Practice and provider focused data tracking models blended with your own custom KPIs provide critical insight into your practice’s performance, enabling you to make informed decisions. Learn More
We began as a medical billing company in 2008, and have evolved into a one-stop revenue cycle management answer for healthcare-related organizations nationwide.
We began as a medical billing company in 2008, and have evolved into a one-stop revenue cycle management answer for healthcare-related organizations nationwide.